Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Script for Fun

Can you identify and translate the following -

I have mentioned Geocaching a couple of times recently and some of my favorite Geocaches are puzzles (including the above).

If you know what the script is or want to guess, please share in comments.

I was able to solve the puzzle and here is my response to the puzzle creator -

P.S. If you are a Geocacher who lives in or will be visiting Michigan, I have created a linguistics Geocache puzzle that you might want to check out here.


  1. Hi, I've enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. I don't usually post but was wondering if anyone had figured out the answer to your puzzle? Thanks!

  2. Hello Nev,
    I am glad you enjoy my blog and thank you for commenting.

    The response I wrote to the puzzle creator was, "Thank you for the lesson in Sütterlin." Sütterlin is an old German script style. The puzzle was written in Sütterlin.

    The first puzzle character asked, "Where is the cache?" The second character answered with the north and west coordinates.

    You can read more about Sütterlin here:
