You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooh, Sarah-cuda?
No wonder the Republicans lost the election...in addition to the fish sense of the definition of barracuda, a barracuda is also defined by Merriam-Webster Online as: "one that uses aggressive, selfish, and sometimes unethical methods to obtain a goal especially in business."
I'd never seen that bumper sticker either. I think the definition is appropriate.
According to what I know of Sara-Puda (sorry, Sara Palin), the Merriam-Webster would fit her only in the 'selfish' part, and 'unethical' might not fit her if it is equaled with 'cunning' in the sense of '1. Marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness.' as defined by http://www.thefreedictionary.com .
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