Paolucci Limoncello
List Price $23.99
30% alcohol
However, being the bargain hunter that I am, I found a fairly tasty and less expensive alternative.

When I first introduced this option to said friend, the response was, "so what do you call this, 'Limonviolin'?"
What a wonderful analogy. I laughed for a good ten minutes (and I had only had half of one drink at this point).
In other words, Limoncello is to Limonata as cello is to violin.
Limoncello is more expensive and has a larger alcohol content than Limonata.
A cello is more expensive and is larger than a violin.

Ontologically, this example groups together liqueurs that have similarities in flavor, and differences in price and alcohol content, and compares them to string instruments that have similarities in materials, and differences in price and size.
Oh dear.
Was it really necessary to explain in quite so much detail? If a joke needs to be explained it's no good, and I thought it was a good joke. I can't say I laughed for ten minutes, though.
What can I say...I am a descriptive linguist and the joke presented a great oportunity to "describe" the analogy.
The question is…
How do they taste? *eyes his local Specs*
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