Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Detroit NewsPAPERS or Lack Thereof

As a language and word-lover a large part of my enjoyment of reading comes from seeing printed words on paper and being able to hold that paper (whether it be a newspaper, a magazine or a book) in my hands. I am astounded that the Detroit Newspapers have decided to shift their focus to digital media. Reading something on a screen is just not the same to me and that is why I have not purchased an Amazon Kindle. Granted, the Detroit Newspapers will still be published each day; it just won't be the same without having a paper delivered to your house four out of seven days a week. The rationalization that readers can either go out to purchase a paper or read the news online, doesn't cut it. A newspaper is meant to be held and read while drinking your morning coffee in your bathrobe and slippers (you can't go out in bathrobe and slippers to buy a paper). Besides, what about the daily crossword puzzle, without paper and pen (or pencil) the crossword puzzle may as well cease to exist. I realize the economy is hurting everyone but, Attention: Detroit Newspapers, please don't shift your resources to digital, there is a reason a newspaper is called a newsPAPER. If this change is made, I will cancel my subscription and find a newspaper that is delivered to me in print, on paper seven days a week.

1 comment:


I work for a newspaper, and I brought this story up at a recent staff meeting. My boss had asked us if we had any concerns about recent changes within the company, and I mentioned this. Luckily my newspaper isn't going to change in this way, but it still makes me sad for Detroit and the newspaper readers there.

Personally, I'm torn on the newspaper-vs.-digital paper issue. I love newspapers, but I don't subscribe to mine. I'm a webmaster there, and so I tend to keep up with my news on the web. I work long hours, and when I come home, I don't have the time to read an actual newspaper. The irony, right?

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