Thursday, March 12, 2009

Phonetic Similarities in Advertising Campaigns - Band of Brothers/Baserunners

The similarities between this new Dick's Sporting Goods print ad for Nike baseball shoes and the print ad for the television miniseries Band of Brothers are striking (pun intended).

The first thing I noticed was the phonetic similarity between the title of the ad and the title of the show. I almost read "Band of Brothers" in my head as I was looking at the Dick's/Nike ad.

The design elements in the ads are similar as well. The text runs right to the edge of the page in both ads and both ads feature a lineup (pun intended again) of something. The Dick's ad has a lineup of Nike shoes and the miniseries ad has a lineup of soldiers.

Trying to sell an unrelated product based on the popularity of a miniseries is a new one on me.

1 comment:

Daniel Gross said...

I am sure you are on to something here. I doubt it was a "happy" accident. The successful of a poster such as "Band of Brothers" makes it easy to steal second base for this campaign.

Thanks for the link to your blog. The use of language is so important to my profession of design. I will be coming back often to read your newest updates.

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