License Plate Quiz
Custom license plates (sometimes called vanity plates) often make use of a combination of letters and numbers to convey a message semiotically.
What do you think this license plate says?

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For more fun with license plates, be sure to check out Vanity Plates: Creepiness in 8 Characters or Less.
Piano Tuner
Piano tuner
Good job Kat and J. Andersen. I got it pretty quickly too, though when I met the owners of the car they told me that not many people do.
Sorry. I couldn't get it. Perhaps that's because in my accent (British) we say 'tyuner'[tju:nər] with a 'y' sound inserted, so the number 2 didn't help me.
Virtual Linguist - Thank /ju/ for trying.
Pino Tuner? as in a filipino tuner (car)?
Piano tuner. Although I was also turning over Pino Tuner, like a vintner.
Very cute. I bet that the owners loved that you got it.
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